America is the midst of an epidemic of racial mob violence and the media refuses to report it.
In my book, “White Girl Bleed a Lot,” I documented hundreds of examples of black mob violence in more than 70 cities big and small throughout the country.
Many of the episodes are on YouTube. I also documented how the media and public officials ignore, condone, excuse and even lie about this wave of lawlessness.
Despite a growing mountain of evidence, some still deny this problem exists. (Curiously, the same people who deny the problem are always the first to explain it away.)
So here are the links to racial mob violence throughout the country, following the organization of the chapters in my book: Some by city, some by theme, i.e. racial violence against Asians, “gays,” Jews, women and others.
I followed up many of the links with phone calls or emails to confirm the racial nature of the attacks and lawlessness.
Many of the individual links are definitive. Treat the others as clues that are part of an investigative package that help us determine the racial quality of the mayhem. And how public officials and media react to it.
Editor’s note: Some of these links will have images and language that is objectionable:
Breaking reports
Woman hopes video will help ID attackers
Victim doesn’t aid an assault investigation
VIDEO: Police seek witnesses of downtown Savannah fight
Group assaulted, robbed bicyclist, police say
Unruly teens keep police busy during CelebrateErie
20 juveniles, 4 adults arrested in Gold Coast ruckus
Man beaten in possible hate crime on Sacramento light rail
Many of the links in The Big List and the book came from readers all over the country. So if you see something, say something in an email.
Chapter 1
AP Blames Tea Party for London Riots.
Beat Whitey Nights at the Iowa State Fair
Police, fire fighters shot with fireworks in riot at Peoria
Milwaukee: Violent Flash Mob Attacks Group ‘Oh, White Girl Bleeds a Lot”
Deliveryman beaten, robbed by group in Wilmington
Chicago Police Superintendent Blames Palin for Gun Violence
Officials: Flash Mobs Already Plague South Side
Panic amid US flash mob attacks
Chapter 2: Philadelphia
LaSalle Student Stabbed in “Hate Crime”: Dog Saves Life
Nutter: Race not an issue
Woman’s leg broken by violent African American mob in North Philadelphia
Officials Try to End Philly “Flash Mobs”
Teens in a mob assault and rob Center City patrons
A bystander was severely beaten by the “flash mob”
MACY’S (FIGHT) 100 Teens Storm Inside Macy’s & Start Fighting-14 Arrested!
“Unruly crowd” forms after 4th of July celebration
Center City Store Brawl Caught On Tape
African American flash mobs terrorize Philadelphia yet again
“As Victim Speaks Out, City Explores Ways To Stop Violent Flash Mobs”
“Flash Mobs in Philadelphia: Sorry PC America, They are a Racial Thing”
“Philly mayor: flash mobbers ‘damaging their race’”
“Nutter did well to move quickly against mayhem mobs”
“Teen Arrested For Stabbing At Erie Lanes Bowling Alley”
“‘Flash mob’ assault suspects surrender”
“Reading, Writing, Rioting… Philly Flash Mob Is From Oprah-Funded School”
“Chased home: Mob attacks man in his house”
“Officials In Phila. Plan Curfews To Curb Teen Violence”
“Flash mob victim’s untold story”
“Temple Hospital: Flash mobs just kids ‘blowing off some steam’”
“Flash mob victim’s untold story Anna Taylor is still shaken after a night of random violence in March”
“Black & Hispanic Mob attacks man in his own home – ‘We got you, you white mother——’”
Chapter 3 – Asian
“Asian Students Under Assault”
“Judge is soft on black on Asian hate crimes”
“South Philadelphia High Asian students get safety instruction”
“Home Invasion 1400 McKinley Street DC#12-2-018719″
“Racist blacks are targeting Asian women for hate crimes in New York”
“Black admits to targeting Asians but says he’s not racist”
Chapter 4: Partying
“South Beach Memorial Day 2011 Crazy Shootout!! Shooting”
“Memorial Day Weekend South Beach Miami 2011″
“Miami Beach Memorial Day Shooting May 30th 2011″
“Uncle Luke, Co-Founder Of Urban Beach Week, No Longer Attends Event”
“Myrtle Beach police inundated with crime during 8-hour window”
“Black Bike Week”
“Indiana Black Expo 2006″
“Time To Call a Spade a Spade”
“Police release video of uptown violence after Speed Street”
Chapters 5 and 6: Chicago and sequel
“Flash mob at McDonalds leaves behind a McMystery”
“Teen Mob Hits Walgreens On The Mag Mile”
“Doubts Mount About Why City Closed North Avenue Beach”
“Police Beef Up Patrols To Combat ‘Flash Mob’ Crime”
“Audio From 911 Tapes Released to WLS Radio – Dozens of gang-bangers pushing people off their bikes”
“Amy Schwartz Says Chicago Police Are Covering Up Memorial Day Beach Riot!”
“Lakeview stabbing caught on video”
“Teens Charged in Mob Attacks”
“Mag Mile mobs – Chicago police need to target violent flash mobs”
“Teen mobs suspected in downtown assaults”
“Chicago Police Brace for ‘Flash Mob’ Attacks”
“Race and the ‘flash mob’ attacks”
“Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy on ‘Gun Control’”
“Police Chief Blames ‘Pilgrims,’ Cops for Chicago Violence”
“When a news story omits race, do we really know any less?”
“Random attacks cause concern in Chicago”
“Police Supt. Garry McCarthy vows to hunt down ‘flash mob’ suspects”
“Officials: Flash Mobs Already Plague South Side”
“Four robbed, attacked by mob of young men in Streeterville”
“Teen mobs suspected in downtown assaults”
“Boy mugged by group of teens near Ogilvie Transportation Center”
“White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America and how the media ignore it”
“Colin Flaherty on WVON in Chicago”
“Chicago’s unreported race war”
Chapter 7: Melissa Harris-Perry
“When a news story omits race, do we really know any less?”
“Black violence under-reported”
Chapter 8: Milwaukee
“Fights close Water Street bars early on St. Patrick’s Day!”
“Flynn calls looting, beatings in Riverwest barbaric”
“Police investigate Riverwest armed robberies”
“Post Juneteenth Riot”
“Juneteenth Day: One woman’s view”
“Victims Describe Mob Scene In Riverwest”
“Black Teen Mob Violence”
“Witnesses describe mobs, some people claim racially-charged attacks”
“Black ‘Mobs’ Attack Innocent White People Outside Wisconsin State Fair”
“State Fair melees produce 11 injuries, 31 arrests”
“New Details About Mayfair Melee”
“An Open Letter to the Kids Who Tore Up Mayfair”
“Black Wisconsin Teen Admits He Targeted Whites –’Easy Targets’ [Update 2]“
“Hundreds of assault cases misreported by Milwaukee Police Department”
“Milwaukee Lakefront Fireworks – Fights”
“Happy Juneteeth Day!”
“Mob of Black Teens go on Memorial Day Rampage in MILWAUKEE”
“Milwaukee Water Street Brawl”
“Walmart Parking Lot Fight Caught On Tape”
“Hundreds of assault cases misreported by Milwaukee Police Department”
Chapter 9: Iowa, Peoria, Akron
“Beat Whitey Night – Attacks mar Iowa State Fair”
“‘Beat Whitey Night’ At Iowa State Fair”
“Iowa State Fair violence-Not ‘Beat Whitey Night’ and a journalistic FAIL”
“Police, firefighters shot with fireworks at Taft Homes ‘riot’”
“Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family”
“Altamont Park Mob Action Makes National Headlines”
Chapters 10 and 11: Minneapolis
“Minneapolis Mini Riot 9.10.11″
“Mother: Teenage Girl Mob Attacked My Family”
“Flash mob attacks Minneapolis Pedal Pub”
“Mob robbers hit convenience stores in St. Paul”
“Mall Of America Brawl Riot Over Rumors Of Lil Wayne Drake! (Chairs Get Thrown)”
“Moving melee causes chaos at packed Mall of America”
“Police: 2 Injured In Downtown Mpls ‘Gun Battle’”
“4 shot after argument leads to gunfire in Mpls”
“Victim describes ‘flash mob’ attack in downtown Mpls”
“City of Minneapolis Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2013″
“Rule 5 – Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action”
“Downtown Minnesota”
“North Minneapolis Crime Gangs”
“Street Fights in Downtown Minneapolis”
“Gang Violence Up 200 percent North Side”
“Twin City Hip Hop Awards 2012″
“Downtown Minneapolis Fight”
“Black-on-white link in Minneapolis violence”
“Colin Flaherty at WCCO in Minneapolis Part 1″
“Colin Flaherty on WCCO in Minneapolis Part 2″
Chapter 12: New York
“Anti-Jewish crime wave”
“Hate Crime, Robbery Against Brooklyn Yeshiva Student In Monsey”
“Orthodox Rabbi Who Was Beaten Testifies About Attack”
“School kids trash 9/11 memorial”
“12 Girls Haul Teenagers Off Subway by Hair, Steal Cell Phone”
“Dunkin’ Donuts ‘rampage’ caught on video… as mob of two dozen young people cause more than $2,000 in damage”
“I was beaten, taunted for being white, Bronx man says after subway attack”
“Police: 11 Arrested After Fight Breaks Out Inside Long Island Hospital”
“5 Men Arrested, 2 Cops Hurt in Long Beach Riot”
“3 Arrested, More Sought In Gang Beating That Left NJ Man In A Coma”
“Update: Six teens face murder charges in Passaic beating, robbery”
“A Revived Pool Draws Tensions to the Surface”
Chapter 13: Fourth of July
“28 Arrested In Series Of Overnight Mob Attacks”
“Fireworks show lacked safety plan”
“Fights in downtown Greensboro renew talk of curfew”
“Fights disrupt Albany fireworks”
“Police break up fights at Taft hours after riverfront fireworks”
“Black Mob in Peoria shoots fireworks at police, firefighters”
“Locals shooting fireworks at the cops”
“Quincy Man Arrested After Assaulting QPD Officers With Fireworks”
“Gaffney Police Promise Stepped Up Patrols To Prevent July 4th Riot”
“Dallas Thugs Go Nuts & Assault Police, Photojournalist With Fireworks”
“Fireworks Attack: New Audio, Video Released”
“Police, firefighters shot with fireworks at Taft Homes ‘riot’”
Chapter 14: Baltimore
“Baltimore Opens City Curfew Center”
“Mob beats robs & strips a Tourist on St Patrick’s Day, Baltimore”
“St. Patrick’s Day violence exceeded initial reports, police dispatch tapes show”
“Call for crackdown on black-on-white terror”
“Downtown mobs — what police call routine others describe as scary”
“Police detail Inner Harbor disturbance; mess left in Canton”
“Racist Black gangs are targeting White men for hate crimes in Baltimore”
“Teen stabbed at Inner Harbor melee”
“Police: Man, 19, beaten by two groups of students downtown”
“Flash Mob Steals From Baltimore 7-Eleven; Beats Store Manager Who Tries To Stop Them”
“BREAKING: Students allegedly robbed, sexually assaulted at McKeldin Mall fountain”
Chapter 15: the Limo Riot in Chicago
“4 arrested in Chicago after men jump out of limo, attack bystanders, police say”
“Accused Limo Mob Was Shooting Music Video”
“Relatives: Racial taunts sparked Lakeview brawl”
“Alleged attackers, victim talk about Lakeview beating”
Chapter 16: This Riot Has a Sound Track
“Downtown Greensboro ‘Flash Mob’ Beating Investigated By Police”
“Salon web site goes after White Girl Bleed a Lot: – Says racial violence does not exist. Nice.”
“Dead Prez – Cop Shot”
“Dead Prez – Hell Yeah (Hidden Track)”
“Dead Prez – ell Yeah (Explicit)”
“2 Chainz – Riot (Explicit)”
“City hopes cameras will deter gang activity in South L.A. park”
“Dr.Dre – The day the n—– took over”
“Slowing Down the Death March of Commercialized Hip Hop”
“Do We Need to Start a Riot?”
“Civil Rights Organization Helps Distribute Music Video Outlining Dangerous, Racially Discriminatory Police Practice”
Chapter 17: Rochester
“Mayor, Police Chief Promise Order at Beach”
Chapter 18: Texas
“14 men charged in sex assaults of Texas girl”
“Tragedy of 11-year-old’s rape leaves black mark on Texas town”
“Flash Mob Flash Rob Ends with Group Beating of Dallas Convenience Store Clerk”
“Flash Mob Robberies Hit Dallas”
“Mob attacked other people before store clerk beating”
Chapter 19: New Jersey
“Flash mob appears at firefighters carnival in Union County, causing fights to break out”
“Video shows man shooting into Atlantic City Boardwalk crowd”
Chapter 20: Portland, Oregon
“Nordstrom Flash Mob / Case # 12-031295″
“Another flash mob theft – this one turns violent”
“Flash mob scatters when clerk grabs a can of bear spray”
“Teen mob ‘flash robs’ Albertsons store”
“Smart mobs turn violent as flash mobs rob store after store in the United States”
“TriMet beating of 14-year-old girl on MAX last month started with exchange over a boy, police say”
“Portland Train Mob Attack on White Teen Ruled Not a Hate Crime! Huh?”
“Portland police investigate sexual assault in Laurelhurst Park”
“In hindsight, being in a public park at night is not the safest place”
“Police Respond to Weird Assaults in Laurelhurst Park”
“Brother’s and Sister’s Keepers”
“Holladay Park”
Chapter 21: Cleveland
“Black flash mob in Cleveland Heights; refuses to report race”
“Thick — Jass”
“Look ItsTreMilz”
“Merchants support canceling second Coventry Street Fair”
“The pages of that story, who said”
“John and Colin Flaherty on WDEL, July 4, 2011″
Chapter 22: South Carolina
“All eight suspects in brutal Five Points beating in custody”
“Solicitor: No evidence that Five Points beating was racially motivated”
“South Carolina sheriff urges women to carry guns”
Chapter 23: The St. Louis Knockout Game
“‘Knockout game’ case shocked St. Louis, then fell apart”
“Elex Murphy on his Facebook page”
“Knockout King: Kids call it a game. Academics call it a bogus trend. Cops call it murder”
“Teens Playing ‘Knock-Out Game’ Beat Gay Man Bloody in St. Louis (Video)”
“St. Louis man recovering after unprovoked attack in Tower Grove”
“St. Louis Knockout King Game: More Victims and the Cover-up By City Hall and Police”
“Parking Garage Attack – Downtown Columbia, MO – June 6, 2009″
“Knockout King: Kids call it a game. Academics call it a bogus trend. Cops call it murder”
“‘Pick ‘Em Out and Knock ‘Em Out’: Three Teens Arrested in Savage Murder of Senior”
“Meet McGraw: Delmar Loop Teens”
“Police zero in on three groups in ‘knockout game’ investigation”
Chapter 24: Seattle
“Census calls Seattle one of the least diverse big cities in the country”
“5 charged in attack on man, pregnant teen aboard bus”
“Iraq war vet stands up to bullies on Lacey bus”
“Living the Thug Life: The Gangsta Rap of Suspected Murderer Ondrell Harding”
“DOE BOY(TWIN G ARTIST) – I Will Kill a Man”
“3 Seattle Bus Tunnel Guards Watch Brutal Beating”
“Seattle Denny Fights Back TBTV”
“White Teen Beaten, Tortured By Blacks – Hate Crime”
“Mardi Gras Riot in Seattle”
“Seattle Mardi Gras Riots”
“Race riot?”
“Rainier Valley activists holding community meeting in after math of robberies, Danny Vega murder”
Chapter 25: Public Transit
“Horde of teens attack, rob MARTA passengers”
“Atlanta Airport Information”
“In St. Louis, roving ‘wilding’ gangs of up to 100 blacks attacking people at train stations”
“Ferguson man charged in Loop scuffle also is suspect in murder case”
“Flash mob on Venice boardwalk ends in shooting”
“I was beaten, taunted for being white, Bronx man says after subway attack”
“Gang War Erupts In Gun Fire- 6 shot @ Venice beach”
“Teen mob kick and punches man at metro station”
“Concerns about Silver Spring spur consideration of curfew”
“Boy mugged by group of teens near Ogilvie Transportation Center”
“African American Teen Mobs Attack Chicago Transit Authority Buses”
“Bails set for teens charged with hate crime in harassment at train station”
“Flash mob attacks post-firework crowd on El”
“3 Seattle Bus Tunnel Guards Watch Brutal Beating”
“New Details About Mayfair Melee”
Chapter 26: Atlanta
“Black judge clears all whites from courtroom”
“Men Charged with Zach Gamble’s Murder to be Indicted by Grand Jury”
“Hearing delves into night of Iraq vet’s death”
“Atlanta Street Gang Members Videotaped Brutal Hate Crime Attack On ‘F—–’”
“Hangout spot”
“Gang members”
“Screen on the Green aftermath: Only one incident reported to police”
“Atlanta police: No report of ‘hate crime’ at Screen on the Green”
“Screen on the Green disaster”
“Chaos at Thursday’s Screen on the Green not unprecedented”
“3 Teens Shot as Crowds Leave Screen on the Green”
“Take back Screen on the Green/ Boycott until it’s Safe for everyone!”
“Crazy girl fights on subway train in Atlanta”
“Hood fight on Atlanta train part 1″
“Marta Fight”
“Bloody fight on Marta”
“Marta. Teens get locked up after fight”
“Fight on MARTA”
“Fight on MARTA train in Atlanta”
“Girl Fight At Underground Atlanta Kenny’s Alley”
“Atlanta Assault Investigation”
“Georgia Tech student robbed at gunpoint in campus dorm room”
“Flash robbery in Atlanta, a dozen men ransack a store”
“Smash-and-grab suspects denied bond”
“Chris Tucker’s Brother Shoots Home Invader”
Chapter 27: Flash Robs
“Multiple Offender Crimes”
“Flash Mob of Teens Rob Clothing Store in Broad Daylight!”
“Video Shows Teens Violently Looting Redford Gas Station”
“Surveillance Video of African American Teen Flash Mob Robbing Upper Darby Sears”
“‘Flash robs’ invade Canada”
“Good Morning America : Flash Rob Video: Mass Theft Becomes Latest Teen Trend on Web”
“Flash Mob Robs 7-11″
“African American Teen Mob Swarms Convenience Store in Las Vegas”
“Group of Women Hit Northeast DC Convenience Store in Flash Mob Robbery”
“Center City Store Brawl Caught On Tape”
“Wisc beating victim: ‘They just said ‘Oh, white girl bleeds a lot” plus Riverview Gas Station Mob Raid”
Chapter 28: Gay Violence
“Minority Flash Mob Attacks Man in Chicago’s Boystown – Beat & Stab Him – Media Silent (Video)”
“Lakeview stabbing caught on video”
“Teens Charged in Mob Attacks”
“Black / GBLT tensions rise amongst violence in Lakeview (Boystown)”
“Rally To Urge City Leaders To End Urban Beach Weekend”
“2nd suspect arrested in Asheville ‘gay’-bashing case”
“Ed Reggi: So What’s a ‘Gay’-Rights Activist Doing In the Debate Over Teens in the Loop?”
“Atlanta police: No report of ‘hate crime’ at Screen on the Green”
“Atlanta Street Gang Members Videotaped Brutal Hate Crime Attack On ‘F—–’”
“‘Gays’ caught in crossfire of ‘Screen’ melee”
“Teens beat up Williamsburg man in ‘gay’ hate crime”
“Police: Men Shouted Racial, Homophobic Slurs In MBTA Assault”
“Hate crime charge in Northwest Washington stabbing, D.C. police said”
Chapter 29: Woman
“Monica Yant Kinney: Why attacks aren’t ethnic intimidation”
Chapter 30: Adults Behaving Badly
“Incident leads to hate crime charges”
“Skidmore shuffles administrators”
“Skidmore professors call treatment of students unfair”
Chapter 31: The Second Amendment
“Marine Home From Iraq War, Wife Allegedly Assaulted Outside Florida Theater by Teen Mob”
“‘Ramjet’ Roger MacBride says he used rifle to chase off teen mob raising hell in Northeast neighborhood”
“Chris Tucker’s Brother Shoots Home Invader”
“Home invaders in Chester swept away with a broom”
Chapter 32: Sports
“School attorney: Football coach sent threatening texts before fight”
“Coaches and players violently attack youth football referee”
“Black Violence Spilling Over Into HS Basketball”
“‘Mob’ attacked other people before store clerk beating”
“CRAZY FOOTBALL FIGHT (American High School)”
Chapter 33: Riverhead
“Police Break Up Huge Brawl in Riverhead”
“Massive Brawl Breaks Out At 230 Elm; One Arrested”
“Police Department: A message from Chief David J. Hegermiller”
“Records: Riverhead man pointed gun at women, yelled ‘Y’all don’t want it’”
“Riverhead cops: 750 unruly youths dispersed”
“Riverhead Police Break Up Huge Brawl”
“Two women hospitalized for stab wounds after July 4th brawl in Riverhead”
“Cops: 750 ‘unruly youths’ in large disturbance; five other departments called for help”
“House-crasher sentenced after enjoying Diddy’s food, cigars and toothbrush”
Chapter 34:Twitter
No links
Chapter 35: Trayvon
“Black mob defends purse snatcher, shouts ‘Trayvon’ and beats Good Samaritan”
“Witness Changes Her Story About Matthew Owens Beating”
“Here We Go… Black Rapper Calls For Race Riots Over Trayvon Martin Killing”
“Black teenager, 18, admits beating and robbing white man as ‘revenge’ for Trayvon Martin death”
“Ga. high school students tweet Trayvon riot; threats of violence grow over Twitter; Sharpton heads to Sanford”
“Man, 78, recounts assault by 6 youths in E. Toledo”
“Toledo police: Man’s account of assault may be exaggerated”
Chapter 36 and 37: Other attacks from around the country
“What’s going on at the Country Club Plaza?”
“Three shot on Country Club Plaza, Mayor James 50 yards away”
“Police Say Fight In Rehoboth Beach Was Gang Related”
“32 gangbangers arrested in hate crime roundup for targeting Whites and Latinos”
“Motive Unclear In Attack By Group Of Teens On 16th Street Mall”
“Police Seek Robbers In Baseball Bat Beatings”
“Denver police grieve shooting death of officer at park jazz concert”
“‘Borderline riot’ at Alabama Adventure theme park sends police in, park guests out”
“Police Shut Down Wave Country Due To Unruly Crowd”
“Fights in downtown Greensboro renew talk of curfew”
“Downtown Greensboro ‘Flash Mob’ Beating Investigated By Police”
“Police: No ‘flash mob attacks’ in Greensboro”
“Reporters Attacked By Mob Of Blacks At IHOP”
“$5,000 reward offered for arrest, conviction of park killer”
“Vallejo city worker brutally attacked by mob”
Family thinks teenager did not attack Vallejo worker
Media censored seven hate crime mob attacks in Grand Rapids
In my book, “White Girl Bleed a Lot,” I documented hundreds of examples of black mob violence in more than 70 cities big and small throughout the country.
Many of the episodes are on YouTube. I also documented how the media and public officials ignore, condone, excuse and even lie about this wave of lawlessness.
Despite a growing mountain of evidence, some still deny this problem exists. (Curiously, the same people who deny the problem are always the first to explain it away.)
So here are the links to racial mob violence throughout the country, following the organization of the chapters in my book: Some by city, some by theme, i.e. racial violence against Asians, “gays,” Jews, women and others.
I followed up many of the links with phone calls or emails to confirm the racial nature of the attacks and lawlessness.
Many of the individual links are definitive. Treat the others as clues that are part of an investigative package that help us determine the racial quality of the mayhem. And how public officials and media react to it.
Editor’s note: Some of these links will have images and language that is objectionable:
Breaking reports
Woman hopes video will help ID attackers
Victim doesn’t aid an assault investigation
VIDEO: Police seek witnesses of downtown Savannah fight
Group assaulted, robbed bicyclist, police say
Unruly teens keep police busy during CelebrateErie
20 juveniles, 4 adults arrested in Gold Coast ruckus
Man beaten in possible hate crime on Sacramento light rail
Many of the links in The Big List and the book came from readers all over the country. So if you see something, say something in an email.
Chapter 1
AP Blames Tea Party for London Riots.
Beat Whitey Nights at the Iowa State Fair
Police, fire fighters shot with fireworks in riot at Peoria
Milwaukee: Violent Flash Mob Attacks Group ‘Oh, White Girl Bleeds a Lot”
Deliveryman beaten, robbed by group in Wilmington
Chicago Police Superintendent Blames Palin for Gun Violence
Officials: Flash Mobs Already Plague South Side
Panic amid US flash mob attacks
Chapter 2: Philadelphia
LaSalle Student Stabbed in “Hate Crime”: Dog Saves Life
Nutter: Race not an issue
Woman’s leg broken by violent African American mob in North Philadelphia
Officials Try to End Philly “Flash Mobs”
Teens in a mob assault and rob Center City patrons
A bystander was severely beaten by the “flash mob”
MACY’S (FIGHT) 100 Teens Storm Inside Macy’s & Start Fighting-14 Arrested!
“Unruly crowd” forms after 4th of July celebration
Center City Store Brawl Caught On Tape
African American flash mobs terrorize Philadelphia yet again
“As Victim Speaks Out, City Explores Ways To Stop Violent Flash Mobs”
“Flash Mobs in Philadelphia: Sorry PC America, They are a Racial Thing”
“Philly mayor: flash mobbers ‘damaging their race’”
“Nutter did well to move quickly against mayhem mobs”
“Teen Arrested For Stabbing At Erie Lanes Bowling Alley”
“‘Flash mob’ assault suspects surrender”
“Reading, Writing, Rioting… Philly Flash Mob Is From Oprah-Funded School”
“Chased home: Mob attacks man in his house”
“Officials In Phila. Plan Curfews To Curb Teen Violence”
“Flash mob victim’s untold story”
“Temple Hospital: Flash mobs just kids ‘blowing off some steam’”
“Flash mob victim’s untold story Anna Taylor is still shaken after a night of random violence in March”
“Black & Hispanic Mob attacks man in his own home – ‘We got you, you white mother——’”
Chapter 3 – Asian
“Asian Students Under Assault”
“Judge is soft on black on Asian hate crimes”
“South Philadelphia High Asian students get safety instruction”
“Home Invasion 1400 McKinley Street DC#12-2-018719″
“Racist blacks are targeting Asian women for hate crimes in New York”
“Black admits to targeting Asians but says he’s not racist”
Chapter 4: Partying
“South Beach Memorial Day 2011 Crazy Shootout!! Shooting”
“Memorial Day Weekend South Beach Miami 2011″
“Miami Beach Memorial Day Shooting May 30th 2011″
“Uncle Luke, Co-Founder Of Urban Beach Week, No Longer Attends Event”
“Myrtle Beach police inundated with crime during 8-hour window”
“Black Bike Week”
“Indiana Black Expo 2006″
“Time To Call a Spade a Spade”
“Police release video of uptown violence after Speed Street”
Chapters 5 and 6: Chicago and sequel
“Flash mob at McDonalds leaves behind a McMystery”
“Teen Mob Hits Walgreens On The Mag Mile”
“Doubts Mount About Why City Closed North Avenue Beach”
“Police Beef Up Patrols To Combat ‘Flash Mob’ Crime”
“Audio From 911 Tapes Released to WLS Radio – Dozens of gang-bangers pushing people off their bikes”
“Amy Schwartz Says Chicago Police Are Covering Up Memorial Day Beach Riot!”
“Lakeview stabbing caught on video”
“Teens Charged in Mob Attacks”
“Mag Mile mobs – Chicago police need to target violent flash mobs”
“Teen mobs suspected in downtown assaults”
“Chicago Police Brace for ‘Flash Mob’ Attacks”
“Race and the ‘flash mob’ attacks”
“Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy on ‘Gun Control’”
“Police Chief Blames ‘Pilgrims,’ Cops for Chicago Violence”
“When a news story omits race, do we really know any less?”
“Random attacks cause concern in Chicago”
“Police Supt. Garry McCarthy vows to hunt down ‘flash mob’ suspects”
“Officials: Flash Mobs Already Plague South Side”
“Four robbed, attacked by mob of young men in Streeterville”
“Teen mobs suspected in downtown assaults”
“Boy mugged by group of teens near Ogilvie Transportation Center”
“White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America and how the media ignore it”
“Colin Flaherty on WVON in Chicago”
“Chicago’s unreported race war”
Chapter 7: Melissa Harris-Perry
“When a news story omits race, do we really know any less?”
“Black violence under-reported”
Chapter 8: Milwaukee
“Fights close Water Street bars early on St. Patrick’s Day!”
“Flynn calls looting, beatings in Riverwest barbaric”
“Police investigate Riverwest armed robberies”
“Post Juneteenth Riot”
“Juneteenth Day: One woman’s view”
“Victims Describe Mob Scene In Riverwest”
“Black Teen Mob Violence”
“Witnesses describe mobs, some people claim racially-charged attacks”
“Black ‘Mobs’ Attack Innocent White People Outside Wisconsin State Fair”
“State Fair melees produce 11 injuries, 31 arrests”
“New Details About Mayfair Melee”
“An Open Letter to the Kids Who Tore Up Mayfair”
“Black Wisconsin Teen Admits He Targeted Whites –’Easy Targets’ [Update 2]“
“Hundreds of assault cases misreported by Milwaukee Police Department”
“Milwaukee Lakefront Fireworks – Fights”
“Happy Juneteeth Day!”
“Mob of Black Teens go on Memorial Day Rampage in MILWAUKEE”
“Milwaukee Water Street Brawl”
“Walmart Parking Lot Fight Caught On Tape”
“Hundreds of assault cases misreported by Milwaukee Police Department”
Chapter 9: Iowa, Peoria, Akron
“Beat Whitey Night – Attacks mar Iowa State Fair”
“‘Beat Whitey Night’ At Iowa State Fair”
“Iowa State Fair violence-Not ‘Beat Whitey Night’ and a journalistic FAIL”
“Police, firefighters shot with fireworks at Taft Homes ‘riot’”
“Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family”
“Altamont Park Mob Action Makes National Headlines”
Chapters 10 and 11: Minneapolis
“Minneapolis Mini Riot 9.10.11″
“Mother: Teenage Girl Mob Attacked My Family”
“Flash mob attacks Minneapolis Pedal Pub”
“Mob robbers hit convenience stores in St. Paul”
“Mall Of America Brawl Riot Over Rumors Of Lil Wayne Drake! (Chairs Get Thrown)”
“Moving melee causes chaos at packed Mall of America”
“Police: 2 Injured In Downtown Mpls ‘Gun Battle’”
“4 shot after argument leads to gunfire in Mpls”
“Victim describes ‘flash mob’ attack in downtown Mpls”
“City of Minneapolis Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2013″
“Rule 5 – Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action”
“Downtown Minnesota”
“North Minneapolis Crime Gangs”
“Street Fights in Downtown Minneapolis”
“Gang Violence Up 200 percent North Side”
“Twin City Hip Hop Awards 2012″
“Downtown Minneapolis Fight”
“Black-on-white link in Minneapolis violence”
“Colin Flaherty at WCCO in Minneapolis Part 1″
“Colin Flaherty on WCCO in Minneapolis Part 2″
Chapter 12: New York
“Anti-Jewish crime wave”
“Hate Crime, Robbery Against Brooklyn Yeshiva Student In Monsey”
“Orthodox Rabbi Who Was Beaten Testifies About Attack”
“School kids trash 9/11 memorial”
“12 Girls Haul Teenagers Off Subway by Hair, Steal Cell Phone”
“Dunkin’ Donuts ‘rampage’ caught on video… as mob of two dozen young people cause more than $2,000 in damage”
“I was beaten, taunted for being white, Bronx man says after subway attack”
“Police: 11 Arrested After Fight Breaks Out Inside Long Island Hospital”
“5 Men Arrested, 2 Cops Hurt in Long Beach Riot”
“3 Arrested, More Sought In Gang Beating That Left NJ Man In A Coma”
“Update: Six teens face murder charges in Passaic beating, robbery”
“A Revived Pool Draws Tensions to the Surface”
Chapter 13: Fourth of July
“28 Arrested In Series Of Overnight Mob Attacks”
“Fireworks show lacked safety plan”
“Fights in downtown Greensboro renew talk of curfew”
“Fights disrupt Albany fireworks”
“Police break up fights at Taft hours after riverfront fireworks”
“Black Mob in Peoria shoots fireworks at police, firefighters”
“Locals shooting fireworks at the cops”
“Quincy Man Arrested After Assaulting QPD Officers With Fireworks”
“Gaffney Police Promise Stepped Up Patrols To Prevent July 4th Riot”
“Dallas Thugs Go Nuts & Assault Police, Photojournalist With Fireworks”
“Fireworks Attack: New Audio, Video Released”
“Police, firefighters shot with fireworks at Taft Homes ‘riot’”
Chapter 14: Baltimore
“Baltimore Opens City Curfew Center”
“Mob beats robs & strips a Tourist on St Patrick’s Day, Baltimore”
“St. Patrick’s Day violence exceeded initial reports, police dispatch tapes show”
“Call for crackdown on black-on-white terror”
“Downtown mobs — what police call routine others describe as scary”
“Police detail Inner Harbor disturbance; mess left in Canton”
“Racist Black gangs are targeting White men for hate crimes in Baltimore”
“Teen stabbed at Inner Harbor melee”
“Police: Man, 19, beaten by two groups of students downtown”
“Flash Mob Steals From Baltimore 7-Eleven; Beats Store Manager Who Tries To Stop Them”
“BREAKING: Students allegedly robbed, sexually assaulted at McKeldin Mall fountain”
Chapter 15: the Limo Riot in Chicago
“4 arrested in Chicago after men jump out of limo, attack bystanders, police say”
“Accused Limo Mob Was Shooting Music Video”
“Relatives: Racial taunts sparked Lakeview brawl”
“Alleged attackers, victim talk about Lakeview beating”
Chapter 16: This Riot Has a Sound Track
“Downtown Greensboro ‘Flash Mob’ Beating Investigated By Police”
“Salon web site goes after White Girl Bleed a Lot: – Says racial violence does not exist. Nice.”
“Dead Prez – Cop Shot”
“Dead Prez – Hell Yeah (Hidden Track)”
“Dead Prez – ell Yeah (Explicit)”
“2 Chainz – Riot (Explicit)”
“City hopes cameras will deter gang activity in South L.A. park”
“Dr.Dre – The day the n—– took over”
“Slowing Down the Death March of Commercialized Hip Hop”
“Do We Need to Start a Riot?”
“Civil Rights Organization Helps Distribute Music Video Outlining Dangerous, Racially Discriminatory Police Practice”
Chapter 17: Rochester
“Mayor, Police Chief Promise Order at Beach”
Chapter 18: Texas
“14 men charged in sex assaults of Texas girl”
“Tragedy of 11-year-old’s rape leaves black mark on Texas town”
“Flash Mob Flash Rob Ends with Group Beating of Dallas Convenience Store Clerk”
“Flash Mob Robberies Hit Dallas”
“Mob attacked other people before store clerk beating”
Chapter 19: New Jersey
“Flash mob appears at firefighters carnival in Union County, causing fights to break out”
“Video shows man shooting into Atlantic City Boardwalk crowd”
Chapter 20: Portland, Oregon
“Nordstrom Flash Mob / Case # 12-031295″
“Another flash mob theft – this one turns violent”
“Flash mob scatters when clerk grabs a can of bear spray”
“Teen mob ‘flash robs’ Albertsons store”
“Smart mobs turn violent as flash mobs rob store after store in the United States”
“TriMet beating of 14-year-old girl on MAX last month started with exchange over a boy, police say”
“Portland Train Mob Attack on White Teen Ruled Not a Hate Crime! Huh?”
“Portland police investigate sexual assault in Laurelhurst Park”
“In hindsight, being in a public park at night is not the safest place”
“Police Respond to Weird Assaults in Laurelhurst Park”
“Brother’s and Sister’s Keepers”
“Holladay Park”
Chapter 21: Cleveland
“Black flash mob in Cleveland Heights; refuses to report race”
“Thick — Jass”
“Look ItsTreMilz”
“Merchants support canceling second Coventry Street Fair”
“The pages of that story, who said”
“John and Colin Flaherty on WDEL, July 4, 2011″
Chapter 22: South Carolina
“All eight suspects in brutal Five Points beating in custody”
“Solicitor: No evidence that Five Points beating was racially motivated”
“South Carolina sheriff urges women to carry guns”
Chapter 23: The St. Louis Knockout Game
“‘Knockout game’ case shocked St. Louis, then fell apart”
“Elex Murphy on his Facebook page”
“Knockout King: Kids call it a game. Academics call it a bogus trend. Cops call it murder”
“Teens Playing ‘Knock-Out Game’ Beat Gay Man Bloody in St. Louis (Video)”
“St. Louis man recovering after unprovoked attack in Tower Grove”
“St. Louis Knockout King Game: More Victims and the Cover-up By City Hall and Police”
“Parking Garage Attack – Downtown Columbia, MO – June 6, 2009″
“Knockout King: Kids call it a game. Academics call it a bogus trend. Cops call it murder”
“‘Pick ‘Em Out and Knock ‘Em Out’: Three Teens Arrested in Savage Murder of Senior”
“Meet McGraw: Delmar Loop Teens”
“Police zero in on three groups in ‘knockout game’ investigation”
Chapter 24: Seattle
“Census calls Seattle one of the least diverse big cities in the country”
“5 charged in attack on man, pregnant teen aboard bus”
“Iraq war vet stands up to bullies on Lacey bus”
“Living the Thug Life: The Gangsta Rap of Suspected Murderer Ondrell Harding”
“DOE BOY(TWIN G ARTIST) – I Will Kill a Man”
“3 Seattle Bus Tunnel Guards Watch Brutal Beating”
“Seattle Denny Fights Back TBTV”
“White Teen Beaten, Tortured By Blacks – Hate Crime”
“Mardi Gras Riot in Seattle”
“Seattle Mardi Gras Riots”
“Race riot?”
“Rainier Valley activists holding community meeting in after math of robberies, Danny Vega murder”
Chapter 25: Public Transit
“Horde of teens attack, rob MARTA passengers”
“Atlanta Airport Information”
“In St. Louis, roving ‘wilding’ gangs of up to 100 blacks attacking people at train stations”
“Ferguson man charged in Loop scuffle also is suspect in murder case”
“Flash mob on Venice boardwalk ends in shooting”
“I was beaten, taunted for being white, Bronx man says after subway attack”
“Gang War Erupts In Gun Fire- 6 shot @ Venice beach”
“Teen mob kick and punches man at metro station”
“Concerns about Silver Spring spur consideration of curfew”
“Boy mugged by group of teens near Ogilvie Transportation Center”
“African American Teen Mobs Attack Chicago Transit Authority Buses”
“Bails set for teens charged with hate crime in harassment at train station”
“Flash mob attacks post-firework crowd on El”
“3 Seattle Bus Tunnel Guards Watch Brutal Beating”
“New Details About Mayfair Melee”
Chapter 26: Atlanta
“Black judge clears all whites from courtroom”
“Men Charged with Zach Gamble’s Murder to be Indicted by Grand Jury”
“Hearing delves into night of Iraq vet’s death”
“Atlanta Street Gang Members Videotaped Brutal Hate Crime Attack On ‘F—–’”
“Hangout spot”
“Gang members”
“Screen on the Green aftermath: Only one incident reported to police”
“Atlanta police: No report of ‘hate crime’ at Screen on the Green”
“Screen on the Green disaster”
“Chaos at Thursday’s Screen on the Green not unprecedented”
“3 Teens Shot as Crowds Leave Screen on the Green”
“Take back Screen on the Green/ Boycott until it’s Safe for everyone!”
“Crazy girl fights on subway train in Atlanta”
“Hood fight on Atlanta train part 1″
“Marta Fight”
“Bloody fight on Marta”
“Marta. Teens get locked up after fight”
“Fight on MARTA”
“Fight on MARTA train in Atlanta”
“Girl Fight At Underground Atlanta Kenny’s Alley”
“Atlanta Assault Investigation”
“Georgia Tech student robbed at gunpoint in campus dorm room”
“Flash robbery in Atlanta, a dozen men ransack a store”
“Smash-and-grab suspects denied bond”
“Chris Tucker’s Brother Shoots Home Invader”
Chapter 27: Flash Robs
“Multiple Offender Crimes”
“Flash Mob of Teens Rob Clothing Store in Broad Daylight!”
“Video Shows Teens Violently Looting Redford Gas Station”
“Surveillance Video of African American Teen Flash Mob Robbing Upper Darby Sears”
“‘Flash robs’ invade Canada”
“Good Morning America : Flash Rob Video: Mass Theft Becomes Latest Teen Trend on Web”
“Flash Mob Robs 7-11″
“African American Teen Mob Swarms Convenience Store in Las Vegas”
“Group of Women Hit Northeast DC Convenience Store in Flash Mob Robbery”
“Center City Store Brawl Caught On Tape”
“Wisc beating victim: ‘They just said ‘Oh, white girl bleeds a lot” plus Riverview Gas Station Mob Raid”
Chapter 28: Gay Violence
“Minority Flash Mob Attacks Man in Chicago’s Boystown – Beat & Stab Him – Media Silent (Video)”
“Lakeview stabbing caught on video”
“Teens Charged in Mob Attacks”
“Black / GBLT tensions rise amongst violence in Lakeview (Boystown)”
“Rally To Urge City Leaders To End Urban Beach Weekend”
“2nd suspect arrested in Asheville ‘gay’-bashing case”
“Ed Reggi: So What’s a ‘Gay’-Rights Activist Doing In the Debate Over Teens in the Loop?”
“Atlanta police: No report of ‘hate crime’ at Screen on the Green”
“Atlanta Street Gang Members Videotaped Brutal Hate Crime Attack On ‘F—–’”
“‘Gays’ caught in crossfire of ‘Screen’ melee”
“Teens beat up Williamsburg man in ‘gay’ hate crime”
“Police: Men Shouted Racial, Homophobic Slurs In MBTA Assault”
“Hate crime charge in Northwest Washington stabbing, D.C. police said”
Chapter 29: Woman
“Monica Yant Kinney: Why attacks aren’t ethnic intimidation”
Chapter 30: Adults Behaving Badly
“Incident leads to hate crime charges”
“Skidmore shuffles administrators”
“Skidmore professors call treatment of students unfair”
Chapter 31: The Second Amendment
“Marine Home From Iraq War, Wife Allegedly Assaulted Outside Florida Theater by Teen Mob”
“‘Ramjet’ Roger MacBride says he used rifle to chase off teen mob raising hell in Northeast neighborhood”
“Chris Tucker’s Brother Shoots Home Invader”
“Home invaders in Chester swept away with a broom”
Chapter 32: Sports
“School attorney: Football coach sent threatening texts before fight”
“Coaches and players violently attack youth football referee”
“Black Violence Spilling Over Into HS Basketball”
“‘Mob’ attacked other people before store clerk beating”
“CRAZY FOOTBALL FIGHT (American High School)”
Chapter 33: Riverhead
“Police Break Up Huge Brawl in Riverhead”
“Massive Brawl Breaks Out At 230 Elm; One Arrested”
“Police Department: A message from Chief David J. Hegermiller”
“Records: Riverhead man pointed gun at women, yelled ‘Y’all don’t want it’”
“Riverhead cops: 750 unruly youths dispersed”
“Riverhead Police Break Up Huge Brawl”
“Two women hospitalized for stab wounds after July 4th brawl in Riverhead”
“Cops: 750 ‘unruly youths’ in large disturbance; five other departments called for help”
“House-crasher sentenced after enjoying Diddy’s food, cigars and toothbrush”
Chapter 34:Twitter
No links
Chapter 35: Trayvon
“Black mob defends purse snatcher, shouts ‘Trayvon’ and beats Good Samaritan”
“Witness Changes Her Story About Matthew Owens Beating”
“Here We Go… Black Rapper Calls For Race Riots Over Trayvon Martin Killing”
“Black teenager, 18, admits beating and robbing white man as ‘revenge’ for Trayvon Martin death”
“Ga. high school students tweet Trayvon riot; threats of violence grow over Twitter; Sharpton heads to Sanford”
“Man, 78, recounts assault by 6 youths in E. Toledo”
“Toledo police: Man’s account of assault may be exaggerated”
Chapter 36 and 37: Other attacks from around the country
“What’s going on at the Country Club Plaza?”
“Three shot on Country Club Plaza, Mayor James 50 yards away”
“Police Say Fight In Rehoboth Beach Was Gang Related”
“32 gangbangers arrested in hate crime roundup for targeting Whites and Latinos”
“Motive Unclear In Attack By Group Of Teens On 16th Street Mall”
“Police Seek Robbers In Baseball Bat Beatings”
“Denver police grieve shooting death of officer at park jazz concert”
“‘Borderline riot’ at Alabama Adventure theme park sends police in, park guests out”
“Police Shut Down Wave Country Due To Unruly Crowd”
“Fights in downtown Greensboro renew talk of curfew”
“Downtown Greensboro ‘Flash Mob’ Beating Investigated By Police”
“Police: No ‘flash mob attacks’ in Greensboro”
“Reporters Attacked By Mob Of Blacks At IHOP”
“$5,000 reward offered for arrest, conviction of park killer”
“Vallejo city worker brutally attacked by mob”
Family thinks teenager did not attack Vallejo worker
Media censored seven hate crime mob attacks in Grand Rapids
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