Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly 'had his wife's police officer boyfriend investigated by cop contacts' | Mail Online
Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly 'had his wife's police officer boyfriend investigated by cop contacts' | Mail Online: "'Usually, investigations are opened after someone comes forward to complain about the activity of an officer, and we don't want to discourage people from coming forward.'
When asked if a possible affair could be grounds for investigation, the spokesman said: 'It could be. If a person comes to us and has a complaint, no matter how frivolous it appears to be, we look into it. We don't look lightly on citizen complaints.'"
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When asked if a possible affair could be grounds for investigation, the spokesman said: 'It could be. If a person comes to us and has a complaint, no matter how frivolous it appears to be, we look into it. We don't look lightly on citizen complaints.'"
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