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Daily Monitor:  - Sunday Life |Strange ways of putting governments to the book

Daily Monitor: - Sunday Life |Strange ways of putting governments to the book: "It all started with the walk-to-work campaign. And hardly anyone can say they saw it coming. After nearly half a decade of utter pandemonium along the streets of Kampala whenever there were protests, finally, here was an out-of-the-box way of expressing dissent that, on the surface, did not seem like it would call for tear gas or shops closing.

But anyhow, tear gas trucks came out with all guns blazing and shops were closed, just like in previous cases. And after walk to work, traders, taxi drivers, medical workers and teachers have all either gone on strike or threatened to do just that.
Walk to work could have been a really unusual way of striking but there have been many more astonishing strikes and protests that could easily throw you back to your seat in strong bursts of laughter, or, gawk with apprehension."


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