The judge in the Casey Anthony trial has been branded by a former mistress as big a liar as Casey!
Judge Perry was praised for his cool, methodical handling of the controversial Casey trial but a source close to alleged mistress Janis Williamson paints an entirely different picture.
The 61-year-jurist was a cheating cad who relentlessly pursued Miss Williamson and then dumped her to protect his career, claims the source.
Shocking allegations: Healthcare consultant Janis Williamson says Judge Perry is a big lair
Father-of-two Judge Perry repeatedly lied to federal investigators after she brought their relationship out into the open and slapped him with a lawsuit, The National Enquirer quotes the source as saying.
'Judge Belvin Perry is as big a lair as Casey Anthony!' the source told the National Enquirer.
'Janis told me, "The main is a flat-out liar who tried to destroy my life. It sickens me to hear people praising him. They don't know him like I do. He's a hypocrite".'
Mr Perry began pursuing Miss Williamson when she was a deputy court administrator for Florida's Ninth Judicial Circuit in 1989, the source said.
Mr Perry was a circuit judge in Florida's Osceola County at the time.
The source said: 'Janis said Judge Perry kept coming into her room and flirting with her.
'They played chess together and he kept asking her to lunch.
Branded a womaniser: Judge Perry is accused of seeing other women while he's cheating on his wife with Janis
Convicted liar: Casey Anthony was kept behind bars for misleading police
'Janis told me "I'm a white woman from the South. The last thing I'd ever consider is having an affair with a black man. But Belvin persisted and one day he gave me a $250 JVC CD player".'
When asked what she had done to deserve such a gift, according to Janis the judge allegedly answered: 'Why don't you just give me a kiss.'
The alleged affair began soon after, the source said.
To set up their trysts, the judge would call to say he would be dropping off or leaving notes on her door with the code letter 'J', the source said.
'Janis told me that Belvin also invited her to parties at his home with his wife LaDrean and their two children.
'She said, "He seemed to get a thrill out of taking the risk",' the source added.
It is also claimed that Mr Perry took Janis, now 62, to his house while his wife was out of town.
According to the source, Mr Perry even juggled other women while he was cheating with Williamson.
'Janis told me that a woman called his hotel room when they were at a conference together, and Belvin admitted that he was seeing her,' the source said.
Mr Perry often talked about leaving his wife and children - Belvin III is a 35-year-old insurance agent and Kimberly, 31, is an investments adviser - for Miss Williamson, said the source.
'Belvin told Janis that he loved her and talked about marrying her,' said the source. 'But she told me, "I cared about Belvin, but I never loved him".'
Miss Williamson now works as a consultant for the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration in Tallahassee.
'She had what she called her Monica Lewinsky evidence - used condoms that he left on her nightstand'
She claims that Mr Perry ordered her to deny their affair if it became public, said the source.
After he was elected Chief Judge of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court in 1995, Mr allegedly arranged for Miss Williamson to be fired.
She filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
'Janis thinks Belvin had her terminated because it was too risky to continue their affair,' said the source.
When EEOC investigators questioned Mr Perry about Miss Williamson, he initially denied the affair before confessing they had a one-year dalliance and then eventually coming clean, the source said.
'Belvin didn't admit the truth until he realised Janis had proof,' the source added.
The proof included a calendar Miss Williamson kept, marking each sexually intimate tryst with a hand-drawn heart.
The source said other evidence included a monogrammed leather toiletry kit that he kept in his office which she still had the receipt for.
'She also had what she called her "Monica Lewinsky" evidence - used condoms that he left on her nightstand,' the source said.
In the wake of the scandal, Mr Perry stepped down as Chief Judge for two years, The Enquirer reports.
The EEOC case ended in 1999, when Miss Williamson received a $65,000 settlement.
The source said: 'Janis told me, "What Belvis did was no different from what he sentenced Casey Anthony to jail for doing - he lied to investigators and got caught".'
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