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Casey Anthony trial has viewers glued

TAMPA - It was a scene we're used to seeing on Black Friday: a bustling crowd fighting to be first in line.
But on an early morning in Orlando this week, the winners didn't get cheap TV's, they got a front row seat for the Casey Anthony trial.
"I reminds me of Jersey Shore, with all the drama and all that, it reminds me of Jersey Shore," said Kimberly Summers of Tampa.
There's no denying the MTV-like reality show appeal in this case -- a young mother who apparently parties while her young daughter is missing while the drama in the courtroom could easily be seen during prime-time on network TV.
But does the average person in Tampa care about a trial involving strangers in a city an hour away? It depends on whom you ask.
"I've been tracking it ever since actually day one, believe it or not," said Jon Esteban of Tampa.
"I don't really care to go forth and look at all the media coverage that focuses on it 24/7," said Bruce Graham of Tampa.
"I just think it's really sad, I keep watching it because I want to see what they end up with a verdict on it," said Debi Starling of Brandon.
"No, I haven't been paying attention to it, I haven't been watching it I think it's a very sad state of affairs," said Wendy O'Connor of Pinellas County. "I don't think it should be televised at all."
That said, the majority of the people we talked to say they're watching and will continue to do so. Most gave the same reason why.
"Because I'm a parent, my heart goes out to the grandparents, and of course the little girl," said Scott Robinson of Brandon.
Many say the images of Caylee Anthony can't help but remind them of the bond they have with their own children.
"How does a mom kill her own child? That's always very interesting and very compelling," said Maria Castellanos. "I can't imagine killing one of my kids ever."
And while most will never meet anyone in the Anthony family, it's clear people feel connected, and will keep watching.
"It affects us all, if you have a heart it affects you," said Robinson.


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