- Exclusive: 'H&C' Uncovers Bill Ayers Dedications - Sean Hannity | Alan Colmes | Hannity & Colmes - Exclusive: 'H&C' Uncovers Bill Ayers Dedications - Sean Hannity | Alan Colmes | Hannity & Colmes: "Now the book reads like a manifesto of the Weather Underground but the most shocking thing is on the dedication page. Mr. Ayers and his band of terrorists devote the book to, quote, 'all political prisoners in the U.S.,' and the book then lists about 100 or so names.
Among the names they list a U.S. political prisoner, Sirhan Sirhan. That's right. This college professor, who is just a guy from the neighborhood who never meant to hurt anybody, who bombed the Pentagon, the Capitol, New York City police headquarters, dedicated his book to the man who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy."
Among the names they list a U.S. political prisoner, Sirhan Sirhan. That's right. This college professor, who is just a guy from the neighborhood who never meant to hurt anybody, who bombed the Pentagon, the Capitol, New York City police headquarters, dedicated his book to the man who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy."