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Time to Win

It’s now less than four months until Election Day 2008, and the Democrats and their leftist allies are unleashing their full arsenal of smear-and-fear tactics against John McCain and our Republican candidates.
With the help of Big Labor, radical groups like, and George Soros and other left-wing billionaires, the Democrats have over a billion dollars to blanket America’s airwaves with partisan, misleading attacks.
This is all on top of the fawning, one-sided coverage Barack Obama and Democrat candidates receive from the mainstream media.
Recently, The New York Times ran an editorial from Barack Obama spelling out his desire to withdraw from Iraq before victory is achieved. When John McCain wrote a rebuttal against Obama’s plan for defeat, the Times refused to print it, citing as their reason, “it would be terrific to have an article from Senator McCain that mirrors Senator Obama’s piece.”
What New York Times editors don’t seem to understand is that John McCain doesn’t base his positions on what the liberal media wants, but what he knows to be right for America.
If our candidates are to achieve victory this November, they must get their message of commonsense conservatism and principled leadership past the media filter and directly to the voters who will decide our nation’s future course.


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