The Audacity of Hype
From the Politico, here's a wonderful example of Barack Obama puffery:
Even as he fends off Senator Hillary Clinton in the Democratic nomination contest, Senator Barack Obama is already turning his attention to the general election, and to an ambitious plan to reshape the American electorate in his favor.
Bringing new voters to the polls "is going to be a very big part of how we win," said Obama's deputy campaign manager, Steve Hildebrand, in an interview. "Barack's appeal to independent voters is also going to be key."
Hildebrand said the campaign is likely to turn its attention and the energy of its massive volunteer army this fall on registering African-American voters, and voters under 35 years old, in key states.
"Can it change the math in Ohio? Very much so," he said. "If you look at the vote spread between Bush and Kerry in 2004--we could potentially erase that."
Ho hum, he's preparing a general election strategy. But according to Politico, it's "an ambitious plan to reshape the American electorate"! Last month he gave a speech designed to control the political damage resulting from a dubious association. But as we noted, the Associated Press described this as single-handedly confronting the nation's racial divide head-on!
If he steps in a puddle, the headline will read "Obama Walks on Water."