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Showing posts from April, 2008

The Globe and Mail, 09 Apr 2008. Pages 18 - 19

The Globe and Mail 09 Apr 2008

The Audacity of Hype

The Audacity of Hype From the Politico, here's a wonderful example of Barack Obama puffery: Even as he fends off Senator Hillary Clinton in the Democratic nomination contest, Senator Barack Obama is already turning his attention to the general election, and to an ambitious plan to reshape the American electorate in his favor. Bringing new voters to the polls "is going to be a very big part of how we win," said Obama's deputy campaign manager, Steve Hildebrand, in an interview. "Barack's appeal to independent voters is also going to be key." Hildebrand said the campaign is likely to turn its attention and the energy of its massive volunteer army this fall on registering African-American voters, and voters under 35 years old, in key states. "Can it change the math in Ohio? Very much so," he said. "If you look at the vote spread between Bush and Kerry in 2004--we could potentially erase that." Ho hum, he's preparing a general e...

Dog-Whistling Dixie

Dog-Whistling Dixie By JAMES TARANTO Note: We're getting a bit stir-crazy recovering from the broken leg , so we've decided to take tomorrow off and venture out into the world. Assuming we manage to avoid further injury, we'll be back Monday. Dog-Whistling Dixie With Barack Obama's "postracial" appeal having proved illusory but Democrats likely to nominate him for president anyway, the party faces a difficult problem: how to persuade Americans to vote for the spiritual protégé of a man who espouses crackpot anti-American and antiwhite views. One response, born less of strategy than of reflex, is to claim that opposition to Obama is racist. A pair of recent posts by prominent Angry Left bloggers show just how intense is the desire to impute racism to the other side, and how far they are willing to depart from logic to do so. The first post, titled "John McCain's Racist Dogwhistle in Meridian, Mississippi," went up last Friday on the blog of ...