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Barack Obama used his victory in South Carolina to change the dialogue with the Clintons in the presidential race. He has taken Hillary’s and Bill’s attempt to use the race issue and replied with a clever move. He has basically called their bluff.

And Ted Kennedy’s endorsement of Obama has ratified the Illinois Senator’s strategy and candidacy.

So far, to summarize: Move One was when Obama arrived as a new candidate. Move two was Hillary’s comeback that she is more experienced. Move three was when Obama pivoted off her experience message and said he was the voice of change. Move four was the Clintons’ attempt to inject race into the election. They counted on a racial split in South Carolina to make Super Tuesday about a black/white division.

This Tuesday is the Florida Primary. I am writing from Florida. I can tell you that at least 40% of the voters all ready voted, including me.

My predictions are as follows:

H. Clinton wins democrat

M. Romney wins Republican

Reduction in property taxes--Fails


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