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Election 2008

What does this mean.

Does not this election remind you of 1968—Radicals against society.

About half the voters were black, according to polling place interviews, and four out of five of them supported Obama. Black women turned out in particularly large numbers.

All I heard in his victory speech was, more and more taxes for a more and more entitlement society. Run away from Iraq and let everyone in this country who gets here. Anyone who makes money will be more heavily taxed. and the U.S.A. should be more like a third world country.

Elect someone with no experience. Elect someone because he is black.

This writer believes this could happen. Face it, blacks will vote for him, minorities will vote for him and whites will vote for him because we had enough and “white Guilt”.

The Obama campaign has taken advantage of our so called societal problems.

We should not be concern with our economy, the war, extremist or anything else.

Just vote Obama to say you are politically correct.


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