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Showing posts from October, 2012

Women shave their hair in solidarity with cancer patients

Dem Despair in San Francisco Analyzed by Greg Gutfeld - The Five - 10-31-12

Enhanced voice search on the Google Search App

Voice commands for your phone aren’t exactly social, unless you count socializing with a robot. But SocialTimes readers might be interested to learn that Google has dived into Siri territory with an iOS voice search app that sometimes responds with spoken information. The voice command feature works primarily with conventional search. For example, if you ask, if a user asks, “What does Yankee Stadium look like?” Google will show you hundreds of pictures instantly. But a user could ask to see a movie trailer and it would start playing “immediately” within the app itself, according to the announcement. The user’s search query appears in type as s/he speaks. If the answer is “short and quick, like the status and departure time of your flight,” the app gives you the answer aloud, according to the blog post. “We’ve had voice search itself as part of previous iterations of the Google Search App, so the real “big deal” here is that Google can now speak your answers back to you,” a Google s...

Thomas Peterffy - Freedom To Succeed

Slavery By Consent ( Full Version)

Anti Obama Ad

Inside Information (1941)

Voting in South Florida

Today's pic

Armed 11 year old Girl Defends Home from 3 armed Burglars: Armed Citizen

Find a Way

Protesters demand ouster of Lebanese government

CNN's Candy Crowley: Romney Was Actually Right On Libya

Complete Second Presidential Town Hall Debate 2012: Barack Obama vs. Mit...

The continued challenges for Egypt's disabled

Lindsey Graham: No more talks with Iran

West to Terrorists,"We Are Going To Send the Angel of Death"

Today's pics

Six Trillion Dollar Man

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The White House Disinformation Campaign on Libya

$5 Trillion

UFO Shot Down Over Israel, Drone Or ET? 2012 (1080p)

Today's pic's

Joe Biden: "Yes We Do" Want to Raise Taxes By a Trillion Dollars

Man punches bus driver on camera

Exclusive: Ann Romney interview

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