Tim Graham, News Busters — The website Ancestry.com is trying to build an appealing Obama tale…and promote business to its website, and The Washington Post and other pro-Obama media are biting like hungry fish. Washington Post reporter Krissah Thompson was thrilled: “President Obama’s extraordinary family story gained a new layer this week as a team of genealogists found evidence that he is most likely a descendant of one of the first documented African slaves in this country.” Underline “most likely.” They didn’t find actual proof . “The company says it can’t establish a definitive link because of gaps in family history….The Ancestry.com findings make for a tantalizing tale that wasn’t uncommon in early colonial Virginia, and the team probably got it right, [Elizabeth Shown] Mills said. ‘They did the best job possible,’ said Mills, who reviewed the findings at Ancestry.com’s request.” But tantalized pro-Obama media often skipped over the “did...
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