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Showing posts from February, 2009

Kuwaiti prof: 330,000 dead from 4 pounds of anthrax

Kuwaiti prof: 330,000 dead from 4 pounds of anthrax : "A professor from Kuwait, the country liberated from Saddam Hussein's attack squads by the United States in the first Gulf War, has outlined on Arab television a potential terror attack that would involve smuggling anthrax from Mexico into the U.S. and killing 330,000 people in 60 minutes."

2nd U.S. soldier in Iraq challenges eligibility

2nd U.S. soldier in Iraq challenges eligibility :#tcot and #fltcot "'I was inspired by 1LT Easterling's story and am writing you to inform you that I would like to be added as a plaintiff against Obama as well if you feel it would help your case,' said the soldier, identified for this report only as a reservist now on active duty in Iraq."

House Democrats propose $410B spending bill

House Democrats propose $410B spending bill :#tcot and #fltcot "House Democrats unveiled a $410 billion spending bill on Monday to keep the government running through the end of the fiscal year, setting up the second political struggle over federal funds in less than a month with Republicans. The measure includes thousands of earmarks, the pet projects favored by lawmakers but often criticized by the public in opinion polls. There was no official total of the bill's earmarks, which accounted for at least $3.8 billion."

#tcot and #fltcot Obama set to release 1st terrorist next week

As each day passes so does the oppurtunity to let some one know thw the truth, do not think your neighbor will tell it or the news will tell it we must tell it, America needs defended from within, so get your voices heard and let people know what is really happening,recruit them to join here and get information or share with them,but we must let them know the truth. Thank You all for being part of this group and in helping to Keep America Free. Obama Releases His First Terrorist! Dear Military Families Member and Supporter, Tonight, Military Families United has learned from various news sources and informants inside the Pentagon that President Obama will be releasing a dangerous terrorist, Binyam Mohamed, next week. Mohamed is a current detainee at Guantanamo Bay and he will soon be free to rejoin the fight to kill innocent Americans. Included in his laundry list of terrorists activities are: Training at various Al-Qaida training camps, where he specialized in firearms and explosives...

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » I’m a Racist Coward!

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » I’m a Racist Coward! :#tcot and #fltcot "I am appalled. I just found out that I am a racist and a coward and I did not know it. Eric Holder said yesterday, “Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards.”"

Liz Peek: Stock Market Gives Obama’s First Month An 'F' | wowOwow

Liz Peek: Stock Market Gives Obama’s First Month An 'F' | wowOwow :#tcot and #fltcot "Today marks the one-month anniversary of President Obama’s inauguration. In his brief time in office, the president has overseen three massive new spending initiatives — the $787 billion stimulus bill, the trillion-dollar financial stability initiative and, most recently, the $275 billion mortgage assistance program."

Obama: Transparency, Invisibility, or Treason?

Obama: Transparency, Invisibility, or Treason? :#tcot and #fltcot "Second, we have the issue of his true identity. Is Mr. Obama who he claims to be, or is his true name Barry Soetoro? Documents posted in the Internet, which Obama has never refuted, show a facsimile of his enrollment records when he attended the Catholic school St. Fransiskus Assisis, in Jakarta, Indonesia, where he was registered as Barry Soetoro, and his religion as Muslim. Again, Mr. Obama has ignored the accusations over this important issue."

Cultural differences - Las Vegas Sun

Cultural differences - Las Vegas Sun :#tcot and #fltcot "In a time when a 162-year-old national news chain such as the Tribune Co. file for bankruptcy protection, the Las Vegas Chinese Daily News is actually growing, fueled by an increase in advertising. The paper has gone from 16 to as many as 36 pages since printing its first copy five years ago."

Gillibrand removes guns from under bed --

Gillibrand removes guns from under bed -- :#tcot and #fltcot "Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) has moved the two rifles that she kept under the bed to protect her upstate New York home, her spokesman said Monday. 'Given that the location of the guns has been disclosed, they have been moved for security reasons,' Gillibrand's spokesman Matt Canter said."

#tcot and #fltcot Picture of the day

SPECIAL PREVIEW Stimulus: A History of Folly

SPECIAL PREVIEW Stimulus: A History of Folly : #tcot and #fltcot"If the Treasury were to fill old bottles with bank notes, bury them at suitable depths in disused coal mines which are then filled to the surface with town rubbish and leave it to private enterprise on well-tried principles of laissez-faire to dig the notes up again, . . . there need be no more unemployment and with the help of the repercussions, the real income of the community would probably become a good deal larger than it is." Opinion Opinion :#tcot and #fltcot "The bill’s health rules will affect “every individual in the United States” (445, 454, 479). Your medical treatments will be tracked electronically by a federal system. Having electronic medical records at your fingertips, easily transferred to a hospital, is beneficial. It will help avoid duplicate tests and errors."

#tcot and #fltcot Notify the traitors!

Here are the emails and telephone numbers for the three that sold out. Please forward this bulletin and since they are all meeting today - feel free to send them a short note or call expressing your feelings about their "crossing the isle" for this pork filled piece of dirt! Collins, Susan M. - (R - ME) Class II 413 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-2523 http://collins . senate. gov/public/continue. cfm?FuseAction=ContactSenatorCollins. EmailIssue&CFID=5033870&CFTOKEN=89653825 (scroll down on the page and will have form to send message) Snowe, Olympia J. - (R - ME) Class I 154 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-5344 http://snowe . senate. gov/public/index. cfm?FuseAction=ContactSenatorSnowe. Email Specter, Arlen - (R - PA) Class III 711 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-4254 http://specter . senate. gov/public/index. cfm?FuseAction=Contact. ContactForm (scroll down on this link to send messag...

#tcot and #fltcot A good man destroyed (pic)

United States Senator James Inhofe : Press Room

United States Senator James Inhofe : Press Room :#TCOT "'While I appreciate the efforts of my colleagues to bring down the price tag of this bill, the fact is we still face a trillion dollar spending bill. Making it worse, the bill is 93% spending and only 7% stimulation. Over the past few days I have fought to include more in the way of real stimulus through higher percentage of infrastructure and defense spending, while working to cut much of the typical government waste often found in a bill of this size. Yet Democrats have blocked these efforts."

'I'm gonna whop ya for singing my song': Etta James slams Beyonce and her performance at Obama party | Mail Online

'I'm gonna whop ya for singing my song': Etta James slams Beyonce and her performance at Obama party | Mail Online :#TCOT "During a show at Seattle's Paramount Theatre recently she told the audience: 'You know your president, the one with the big ears? Wait a minute, he ain't my president."

DallasDirt » Blog Archive » President Bush Stays At The New Office Until 3:00 PM

DallasDirt » Blog Archive » President Bush Stays At The New Office Until 3:00 PM :#TCOT "Sources over at 5950 Bershire Lane, where President Bush has his temporary office, tell me the Secret Service arrived at about 8:00 a.m. yesterday morning, getting the parking garage all secure. (Lots o Maryland plates in that parking garage.) The president entered via the Lomo Alto entrance, avoiding the lobby, then went upstairs to his new office on the 9th floor to work. Hope all was ready for him. He left about 3:00 pm."

About the Job - The Best Job In The World

About the Job - The Best Job In The World :#TCOT "The Caretaker of the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef is a newly created position. There are a few minor tasks that need to be taken care of, but the most important duty is to report back to Tourism Queensland (and the world) and let us know what’s taking place on the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef."

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Ethnic Separatist Groups Push For Talk Radio Crackdown

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Ethnic Separatist Groups Push For Talk Radio Crackdown :#TCOT "The battle coincides with other efforts by the Obamists, largely behind-the-scenes, to remove their Dear Leader's key media opposition without resorting to a controversial, high-profile Fairness Doctrine reinstatement (though some Democratic Party senators do favor that approach)."

Paris rejects 'Obama-style' stimulus program - International Herald Tribune

Paris rejects 'Obama-style' stimulus program - International Herald Tribune :#TCOT "Prime Minister François Fillon on Monday rejected demands that the French government seek to stimulate consumer spending, rather than follow his plan to stimulate corporate and infrastructure investment, to lift France out of its economic slump."

Legal Technology - Social Media Going to Court

Legal Technology - Social Media Going to Court :#TCOT "By now, everyone is well aware of the advantages that President Barack Obama's election campaign gained from the successful use of a social media strategy. Obama's team posted 1,800 videos on YouTube that received 110 million views. The Obama Facebook Group gained more than 3 million fans. Obama's MySpace page had more than 844,927 friends. The Obama Twitter account had more than 130,000 followers. J.D. Lasica, 'Barack's Use of Social Media.' Obama was able to target and inspire a much larger constituency through these social media strategies. As a result, traditional political and fundraising campaigns have been changed forever."

Daschle Faces Questions From Senators on Tax Glitch -

Daschle Faces Questions From Senators on Tax Glitch - :#TCOT "'President Obama wanted to have a very ethical administration starting out and so on, but I think he's seeing how hard it is to avoid these kind of problems,' Kyl said. 'And I just wonder if President Bush had nominated these people, what folks would be saying about that.'"