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Showing posts from January, 2009

#TCOT Is Google Showing Political Bias with Search Results?

There are people who think Google is incorporating political bias into search results. As examples they use misspellings of George Bush and Barack Obama. Are the results of misspelled queries really something Google would take the time to specifically alter to inject their political beliefs though? This has led some to speculate that Google is showing its political bias. Top executives with the company were very open about supporting Barack Obama during his presidential campaign. Eric Schmidt even appeared in Obama's 30 minute infomercial. This surely only adds to the speculation. "So what is this all about?" asks someone under the handle Discovery on Search Engine Watch's Forum. "Obama who Google endorses has all negative pictures, negative sites and negative videos completely removed and his self promoting website put in their place while at the same time George Busch has every single nasty photo, nasty attack site and video presented with NO alterations by Go...

Revealed: the letter Barack Obama's team hope will heal Iran rift | World news |

Revealed: the letter Barack Obama's team hope will heal Iran rift | World news | :#TCOT "The US state department has been working on drafts of the letter since Obama was elected on 4 November last year. It is in reply to a lengthy letter of congratulations sent by the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on 6 November."

Mrs.B.O. at meeting pic #TCOT

Pic-Obama Hard at Work #TCOT

Former President Bush checks out new Dallas home | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth | Dallas Morning News

Former President Bush checks out new Dallas home | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth | Dallas Morning News :#TCOT "They have said they plan to spend most weekdays in Dallas, where they lived before Bush was elected Texas governor, and most weekends in Crawford"

10 Great Cities for Salary Growth

10 Great Cities for Salary Growth :#TCOT "Orlando-Kissimmee, FL - pop. 289,684 - 5.2% avg. salary increase The health-care industry has been the impetus behind this area's growth, so odds are that the downturn won't hit this area very hard. The Burnham Institute for Medical Research and a new medical school at the University of Central Florida are expected to attract other industries to the area, particularly high-tech firms, all of which point to good chances for wage growth."

Senate Agrees To Move DTV Transition Date - 2009-01-27 00:00:16 - Broadcasting & Cable

Senate Agrees To Move DTV Transition Date - 2009-01-27 00:00:16 - Broadcasting & Cable :#TCOT "The Senate Monday night approved unanimously a compromise bill (S.328) that would move the DTV transition date from Feb. 17 to June 12, but it must now be reconciled with a House version of the bill, and quickly point out backers of the legislation."

Republicans step up criticism of Obama - Los Angeles Times

Republicans step up criticism of Obama - Los Angeles Times :#TCOT "Republicans signaled Sunday that they would not be daunted by President Obama's soaring approval ratings, criticizing his proposed $825-billion economic stimulus plan, his strategy for closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay and his decision to exempt a top-ranking Pentagon appointee from new ethics rules."

OpEdNews » Dangerous Executive Orders

OpEdNews » Dangerous Executive Orders :#TCOT "But no president has any right to declare torture legal or illegal, with or without loopholes. And if we accept that presidents have such powers, even if our new president does good with them, then loopholes will be the least of our worries."

America Must Protect Free Speech If She Has Any Chance Of Finding Her Way Back The Constitution

America Must Protect Free Speech If She Has Any Chance Of Finding Her Way Back The Constitution :Qvod cito acqviritvr cito perit "I am still deeply troubled by the countless attacks against free speech that have been occurring on the internet for the past year. If America has any chance of finding it's way back to the Constitution, Free Speech is critical and must be protected."

Cheney wanted Bush to pardon Libby of perjury, obstruction | | The Detroit News

Cheney wanted Bush to pardon Libby of perjury, obstruction | | The Detroit News :#TCOT "Just one day after leaving the White House, former Vice President Dick Cheney publicly broke with his boss of eight years, saying he disagreed with former President George W. Bush's decision not to pardon convicted felon Lewis Libby, Cheney's former chief of staff."

Who wins? #TCOT

Thank Bush for saving U.S. lives --

Thank Bush for saving U.S. lives -- :#TCOT "I would like to thank President Bush for his service to our country. While many decry with anger his decisions, specifically the Iraq War, there are those of us who believe this difficult course of action was necessary to keep the United States safe. The president's many foes believe he lied and that the war was unnecessary. They forget how diplomacy had failed. Forget WMDs; when U.S. forces went into Iraq they tied up Saddam's many millions and prevented his sons, so enamored with the success and carnage of 9/11, from carrying out new hits against America."

The Center For Individual Freedom

The Center For Individual Freedom :#TCOT "“Democrats want to impose an unfair doctrine that destroys talk radio and silences the voices of millions of Americans who disagree with their vision for America. But the First Amendment of our Constitution guarantees the right of free speech, regardless of political affiliation…"

Freed by the U.S., Saudi becomes a Qaeda chief - International Herald Tribune

Freed by the U.S., Saudi becomes a Qaeda chief - International Herald Tribune :#TCOT "The emergence of a former Guantánamo Bay detainee as the deputy leader of Al Qaeda's Yemeni branch has underscored the potential complications in carrying out the executive order President Barack Obama signed Thursday that the detention center be shut down within a year."

Inauguration visitors who were trapped underground air grievances - Los Angeles Times

Inauguration visitors who were trapped underground air grievances - Los Angeles Times :#TCOT "Reporting from Washington -- You wouldn't think a presidential inauguration would require a survivors group. But shortly after thousands of ticket holders were trapped in an underground tunnel beneath the National Mall on Tuesday, a new Facebook group was born: Survivors of the Purple Tunnel of Doom. Membership as of Thursday evening: 3,950."

Despite Mexican Billionaire, Outlook Still 'Negative' for the Times - FishbowlNY

Despite Mexican Billionaire, Outlook Still 'Negative' for the Times NY :#TCOT "The S&P doesn't appear to be any too impressed by the New York Times $250 million influx courtesy of Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helu. Fitz & Jen reports that despite all the cash the ratings agency still has some major doubts."

Biden Takes Shot at Roberts for Flubbing Presidential Oath - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics

Biden Takes Shot at Roberts for Flubbing Presidential Oath - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics : #TCOT"Vice President Biden took a stab at Chief Justice John Roberts on Wednesday, one day after the chief justice flubbed the oath of office that President Obama was to recite at his inauguration."

Oops, Obama makes first presidential mistake - Yahoo! News

Oops, Obama makes first presidential mistake - Yahoo! News : #TCOT"Oops. Just seconds into his term, President Barack Obama made a mistake about the history of his new office. In the second paragraph of his inaugural address, Obama said, “Forty four Americans have now taken the presidential oath.” Sorry. While Obama IS the 44th president, he is actually only the 43rd American to take the oath."

Panama Guide - Greg Craig and the Terrorist - The new White House counsel and the ugly case no one wants to talk about

Panama Guide - Greg Craig and the Terrorist - The new White House counsel and the ugly case no one wants to talk about :#TCOT "American prosecutors have long wanted to put González behind bars; the nearly 17-year-old murder charge stands today. But in addition to his family in Panama, González has at least one very well-connected, very influential advocate in the United States: Gregory Craig, the man Barack Obama chose to be the next White House counsel."

Analysts: N. Korea after spot on Obama radar -

Analysts: N. Korea after spot on Obama radar - :#TCOT "'Pyongyang seems to see advantages to the new Obama administration,' says Charles Armstrong, director of Columbia University's Center for Korean Research. Obama offers the chance for a fresh start following eight years of President Bush, who included North Korea in the 'axis of evil' with Iran and Saddam Hussein's Iraq."

Arab Uprisings Forces Jew off the Stage - News Briefs - Israel National News

Arab Uprisings Forces Jew off the Stage - News Briefs - Israel National News :#TCOT "( A French Jewish standup comedian and a singer were forced to cancel their shows because of anti-Semitic demonstrations and protests. Dozens of Pro-Hamas demonstrators prevented the audience from taking their seats for a performance by Jewish comedian Jacques Essebag."


Last Year, LaHood Sponsored Millions in Earmarks; Some Funding Went to Campaign Donors -

Last Year, LaHood Sponsored Millions in Earmarks; Some Funding Went to Campaign Donors - : #TCOT"The former Republican congressman chosen by President-elect Barack Obama to direct billions in federal highway spending has been an unapologetic advocate of earmarks, a practice Obama now opposes, and has used his influence to win funding for projects pushed by some of his largest campaign contributors."

Camille Paglia on Obama, Democratic woes, Kanye West, Freud | Salon

Camille Paglia on Obama, Democratic woes, Kanye West, Freud | Salon : #TCOT"When Obama is reading off a teleprompter or in a scripted environment like a debate (where the game is to plug in your prepared sound bites regardless of the question), he comes across as a magnificent and inspiring speaker. But there were several times during the campaign where he appeared to trip all over himself when off script."

Obama's Vision: Only Government Can End Economic Woes - San Jose Mercury News

Obama's Vision: Only Government Can End Economic Woes - San Jose Mercury News :#TCOT "Republican Ronald Reagan once quipped that the most 'terrifying words' in the English language were: 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.' Democrat Bill Clinton proclaimed in a State of the Union speech 13 years ago that 'the era of big government is over.' But in an address Thursday, President-elect Barack Obama said that government is the solution."

Pelosi Urges Obama to Raise Taxes on Wealthy This Year | 44 |

Pelosi Urges Obama to Raise Taxes on Wealthy This Year | 44 | : "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is urging the incoming Obama administration to stick to its campaign pledge and immediately increase taxes on the wealthiest Americans, a position that President-elect Barack Obama has wavered on since winning election."#TCOT

American Thinker Blog: Obama displayed ignorance while promising miracles

American Thinker Blog: Obama displayed ignorance while promising miracles : "The giant $1 trillion stimulus package -- this seems to be the spending floor -- that Obama wanted on his desk by his swearing-in on January 21, but whose date could be postponed until mid-February, is nothing more than a giant Ponzi scheme marketed as a way to spend ourselves out of this economic downturn."#TCOT

The Associated Press: Report: Al-Qaida No. 2 blames Obama for Gaza fight

The Associated Press: Report: Al-Qaida No. 2 blames Obama for Gaza fight : "CAIRO, Egypt (AP) — Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader lashed out at President-elect Barack Obama in a new audio message Tuesday, accusing him of not doing anything to stop Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip, according to an intelligence monitoring center."#TCOT

Andy Martin says Hawai'i government is 'corrupt and conspiratorial'

Andy Martin says Hawai'i government is 'corrupt and conspiratorial' : "Martin says that Democratic Party politics is infecting the Hawai'i court system. Martin says a continuing cover-up by local officials is thwarting access to Barry Obama's 1961 birth certificate, now a historic document. 'Is it any wonder that more and more Americans people are becoming suspicious about this man and his secret past?' Martin asks. 'Where did he come from? Who is he? Who's his daddy? The American People have a right to know.'"#TCOT

760 KFMB, San Diego Talk Radio-Obamas Hope-Nosis: Pulling The Wool Over The Countrys Eyes

760 KFMB, San Diego Talk Radio-Obamas Hope-Nosis: Pulling The Wool Over The Countrys Eyes : "You have this new Bill Richardson scandal, Obamas terrorist buddies such as Rashid Khalidi and Bill Ayers, his illegal alien aunt, the birth certificate scandal, his political allies such as Blago and Rezko, his circle of friends that include the likes of Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, Rep. Meeks, Kwame Kilpatrick, Father Pfleger... I could go on and on."#TCOT

For Israel, chance to strike before an ally departs - International Herald Tribune

For Israel, chance to strike before an ally departs - International Herald Tribune : "For nine days, as European and United Nations officials have called urgently for a cease-fire in Gaza, the Bush administration has squarely blamed the rocket attacks of the Palestinian militant group Hamas for Israel's assault, maintaining to the end its eight-year record of stalwart support for Israel. Bush, in his weekly radio address on Saturday, said the United States did not want a 'one-way cease-fire' that allowed Hamas to keep up its rocket fire, and Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday echoed the point, declaring that only a 'sustainable, durable' peace would be acceptable."#TCOT

President's Radio Address

President's Radio Address : "In response to these attacks on their people, the leaders of Israel have launched military operations on Hamas positions in Gaza. As a part of their strategy, Hamas terrorists often hide within the civilian population, which puts innocent Palestinians at risk. Regrettably, Palestinian civilians have been killed in recent days." What are we going to do with out Bush?#TCOT

Emotions over Gaza spill into S. Florida streets - Breaking News -

Emotions over Gaza spill into S. Florida streets - Breaking News - : "Taunts, jeers, vulgar gestures and curse words filled the air Sunday afternoon as supporters of both sides in the Gaza conflict waged dueling protests outside the Israeli consulate in downtown Miami."South Florida went to hell in a hand basket!#TCOT

Jamaica Gleaner News - Laid-off foreigners scramble for work permits - Business - Sunday | January 4, 2009

Jamaica Gleaner News - Laid-off foreigners scramble for work permits - Business - Sunday | January 4, 2009 : "For foreign professionals in the united states, the rising unemployment rate is especially daunting. Laid-off foreign workers are scrambling for temporary visas and seeking advice from immigration attorneys about how long they can legally stay in the country while hunting for jobs. Even some foreigners in the US on visas or work permits are switching employers, fearing that an unstable job during a recession could ultimately lead to a one-way ticket home or kill their chance of getting a green card #TCOT ."

Jamaica Gleaner News - Microsoft says Zune players working again - Business - Sunday | January 4, 2009

Jamaica Gleaner News - Microsoft says Zune players working again - Business - Sunday | January 4, 2009 : "Many of Microsoft's Zune media players that froze up on the last day of 2008 because of a glitch involving their internal clock were functioning properly Thursday as the new year was ushered in, according to the company. However, a few people were still complaining of problems operating the devices."

Jamaica Gleaner News - Jamaica's burden of crime: Weighs heavily on schools - News - Sunday | January 4, 2009

Jamaica Gleaner News - Jamaica's burden of crime: Weighs heavily on schools - News - Sunday | January 4, 2009 : "IN LOCAL communities affected most by violence, economic and social activities have been considerably reduced. Schools are underpopulated and when there is a flare-up of violence businesses, as well as schools close, the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) stated in a 2007 report on violence and its costs."

Arabs demand UN call for immediate cease-fire

Arabs demand UN call for immediate cease-fire : "UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Arab nations cried and demanded Saturday that the United Nations Security Council call for an immediate cease-fire and let them return to their terrorist ways following Israel's launch of a ground offensive in Gaza, a view echoed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon."